In what you presume to be the medical area of the abbey, you find a single roll of enchanted bandages and instructions on their use as well as a basic poison direction unit.
In what you think was a form of vault you find something vaguely upsetting. In this pseudo-vault decayed into uselessness, except a particularly horrific looking staff that seems to quiver at the possibility of being used again. Through study you find that the staff has the power of mutilating the human skeleton. It is very powerful against mundanes but its use decreases sharply with the most basic of Magic resistance.
The next thing you discover was a pair of glasses, resign in what used to be the abbots study. Through examination you find these glasses convey the property of second sight to its user.
The last enchanted item was found by accident, as one day a ruffian attempted to rob the abbey in the middle of the night. The abbey bell started ringing of its own accord and woke you. You promptly dispatched of the ruffian and then proceed to study the bell. It is of non-hermetic origin, possibly divine, and has the most interesting of properties. It seems to detect hostility in an area around the abbey and when it gets close wakes up those within its walls. It must be specified however that the bell can only detect the bare minimum, if someone gets to angers within its range it may be set off, but this is a small price to pay for an early warning.
Bandages of Stabilizing
Bandage +4 healing wounds
Small cloth bandages = 2 investment points
Level 20 effect
Effect: This roll of bandages when applied heal one level of wounds, but when removed the wounds return. This roll of bandages has 10 uses.
Crippling Staff
Human Bone +3 destroy the human body
Human Skull +4 destroy the human body
Small bone staff = 6 investment points
Level 30 effect
Penetration score of 13
Effect: Snap a limb of any human that has a magic resistance of less than 13. This wand has unlimited uses. It does however look rather evil.

Bell of Warning (non-hermetic)
Bell +5 warning
Huge iron bell = 25 investment points
Level 25, 15, 10 effect
Effect: When a person of hostile intent approaches the Abbey the bell will start to ring and will wake all those who are sleeping in the Abbey.

Poison Detecto-3000
Pearl +5 detect poison
Tiny pearl necklace = 12 investment points
Level 7 effect
Effect: Detect if a consumable near the necklace has been poisoned.

Crystal of Sight
Clear Glass +5 seeing through illusions
Iron rimmed glasses = 5 investment points
Level 25 effect
Effect: Give the wearer the second sight vertue (Second Sight: You are able to see ghosts, demons, and other invisible spirits. A roll of 9+ on Second Sight + Perception is usually successful, but your target may be higher or lower at the story guide's discretion.)